Adele might be back with a new album, but don’t expect the platinum-selling singer to be appearing in a commercial anytime soon. In a new interview for the Observer Music magazine, the signer has revealed the long list of endorsement deals she’s turned down, which includes everything from clothing to a fitness range.

AdeleDon’t expect a clothing range from Adele anytime soon.

“What have I said no to?” Adele told the magazine. “Everything you can imagine. Literally every fucking thing. Books, clothes, food ranges, drink ranges, fitness ranges ... that’s probably the funniest.”

“They wanted me to be the face of a car. Toys. Apps. Candles. It’s like, I don’t want to endorse a line of nail varnishes, but thanks for asking. A million pounds to sing at your birthday party? I’d rather do it for free if I’m doing it, cheers.”

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Speaking about her time away from the spotlight in recent years, Adele denied that she’d been “a recluse,” while taking a break from making music. “I’m not a recluse,” she said. “Can we clear that up, please? I didn’t stop going to shops. To parks. To museums. I just wasn’t photographed while doing it.”

Adele also said that her new album 25, which comes out this Friday, has nothing to do with her celebrity status. “I was never going to write my record about ‘Being Someone Really Famous’. Because who cares?”

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But despite staying true to her pre-fame self, Adele also admits that there has been times when she’s found herself expecting the VIP treatment. “I’ve had a few moments like that. And it frightened me,” she admitted.

“I think it was something simple like running out of clean clothes. And me not having the initiative to wash my own clothes. I was annoyed that my clothes weren’t clean. So I told myself I’d better abseil down and go and do my laundry!”