When Adele's father (Mark Evans) spoke publicly about her childhood back in 2011, that was an ending to any good work their father-daughter relationship had gone through. Now, as the Mirror reports, with the birth of his grandson, named Angelo, he has been trying to get back in touch with her daughter and is "absolutely gutted that she's cut [him] out of her life." 

"I've left messages on her phone, I've written to her and I've sent her birthday and Christmas cards but it's like I'm dead to her," he says. "I'm not interested in her celebrity or her money, I just want my daughter back and I want to be a proper grandad to the little one." 

As Evans explained in 2011, he and Adele had problems when she hit 12 because his father and one of his close friends died. By the time she was 16 they were "best mates again," but things have gone sour since.

They haven't had contact since 2011, when he spoke about Adele's childhood. He found out about her pregnancy via the media and hasn't been able to see his grandson. He has got in touch with Adele's management company in a bid to arrange a reunion but has not been responded to since.