Hollywood actor Ben Affleck has teamed up with Rolling Stones frontman SIR Mick Jagger to launch a short film highlighting the plight of families in the war-torn republic of Congo.
The stars have created Gimme Shelter - named after the band's famous track - a video which shows the suffering of people in the region, which has been devastated by fighting for more than 10 years.
Affleck, who has travelled to the central Africa area four times since 2007, directed the film and set it to the famous Rolling Stones tune, which was released at the time of the Vietnam War in the 1970s.
In a statement to launch the film, Affleck says: "Too much of the world is indifferent or looking the other way. I'm urging people not to look the other way, not to turn off their TV when news of the violence in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) comes on."
While Jagger adds, "I hope this video will help highlight the plight of the hundreds of thousands of displaced people and also the thousands of innocent people who are needlessly losing their lives there."
The legendary band have donated their Gimme Shelter track to the campaign in a bid to raise money for emergency humanitarian assistance kits to help needy Congolese families.