Gillian Flynn had always played down the possibility of a sequel to her bestselling novel Gone Girl. After the insane plot twists and famous ending, the book and movie works well as a standalone piece of work - though given the box-office success of the latter, has Flynn changed her mind?

Ben AffleckBen Affleck is superb in David Fincher's 'Gone Girl'

Speaking to the website at which she used to work, Flynn told Entertainment Weekly in 2012, "I didn't write it as an open ending to set up a sequel at all. It was the only thing that made sense to me, that made sense to what was true to the book and true to the characters. Amy's not going to end up in jail. She's Amazing Amy!"

However, fast-forward to this week and Flynn appears to have rethought her stance on the possibility of a sequel, telling BuzzFeed, "I do feel like I might have to dip back in on them in 10 years and see what they've wrought. Nothing good," she said, "The problem is they're inherently selfish people. They ultimately stay conjoined for selfish reasons. They are addicted to each other, in a way, and who they are and who they're reflected back to each other as."

More: read our review of 'Gone Girl'

Flynn is in demand nowadays. She penned the script for David Fincher's adaptation and has two books planned for Random House. She's also reteaming with the Hollywood director for a HBO series based on the UK drama 'Utopia'.

Still, Gone Girl has taken over $80 million at the box-office so far and will probably end up with a haul of $200 million once the DVD is released. Put it this way, 20th Century Fox won't be actively dissuading Flynn from writing the next chapter in Nick and Amy Dunne's story. 

More: Gone Girl's Rosamund Pike: "Seperation is the key to a relationship"

Watch the 'Gone Girl' trailer: