Ben Affleck has topped a new movie website poll as the 2013 Oscars' Biggest Snub.

Film fans flocked to blog sites to offer up their surprise when the movie star wasn't nominated in the Best Director category for his acclaimed Argo on Thursday morning (10Jan13) - and he was the easy winner of Fandango's Biggest Snub survey.

Thousands voted and Affleck picked up 52 per cent - ahead of fellow Best Director absentees Kathryn Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty), who landed 20 per cent and Quentin Tarantino (Django Unchained) who came in third with 12 per cent.

Nominee Ang Lee was just as stunned not to hear Affleck and Bigelow's names alongside his when the nominations were announced.

The Life of Pi director says, "It's not that I don't think the others should have been nominated - I'm happy for everyone including myself - but these two seemed to be the sure thing from the beginning."

Meanwhile, Fandango film fans were also stunned that the new James Bond film, Skyfall, didn't land a Best Picture nod and John Hawkes led the overlooked actors as many moviegoers fully expected him to grab a Best Actor mention for his role in The Sessions.

In a related poll, Beasts of the Southern Wild star Quvenzhane Wallis' Best Actress nomination topped a Happiest Surprise survey with 35 per cent, closely followed by Oscars host Seth MACFarlane's Best Song mention for Ted.