Normally, when a high profile celebrity attends a premiere without their wife, girlfriend, husband or boyfriend, the rumour mill starts turning vigorously, and people suggest they’ve broken up.

For Brad Pitt – who attended the premiere of his zombie epic World War Z in New York – Angelina Jolie’s absence wasn’t an indication of relationship troubles, it was just that she needed to rest following a hectic and draining few months, which included a double mastectomy. The actress recently revealed she'd undergone the surgery following the discovery of the BRCA1 gene which gave her a 87% chance of contracting breast cancer. She gave an interview after with The New York Times explaining how touched she was at the response she got. "We were really surprised and moved how many other people were dealing with the same issue," Pitt admitted. "Her idea was that someone could learn from her story—she would love to share that. It's just been a beautiful thing to watch." Brad added that “her focus now is just to make sure all people have access to the [genetic] testing and know what they can do about it."

Although World War Z has already enjoyed a premiere in many other places, Pitt isn’t relenting. He’s approaching each and every press event for this film with as much gusto as the first. "We're not doing this small... we're going big this summer," he told the Associated Press. "My two oldest I've let see it, and they've loved it. Parental guidance, it's called parental guidance," he joked.

Brad PittPitt's looking cool at the N.Y premiere

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is due a well-earned rest