Brad Pitt regularly leaves his children squirming with disgust when he showers their mum Angelina Jolie with affection.

The actors rarely have any alone time as they are constantly juggling their parenting commitments with their busy work schedules, but Pitt's pal Frank Pollaro, who owns a furniture business with the Moneyball hunk, reveals the couple is still crazy about each other after eight years together.

He tells Esquire magazine, "Once I walked in and Angie was standing there and (eight-year-old daughter) Zahara walked up and said, 'Daddy, you're not going to start making out with Mommy again, are you?' And it's like that. This is a guy who has tried not to do any sexy scenes with other women since he's met Angelina. He's crazy about her, and she's the same way about him."

And the designer insists the stars are also beyond dedicated to their six boys and girls: "No matter how hard he's working, if one of those kids runs by the window he'll get out of his chair and give them a kiss. And I don't think I've ever seen Angie without one of those children in her arms."