Charlie Sheen has been forced to ditch his old cellphone number after accidentally posting it on his blog as he tried to send a private message to Justin Bieber.
The former Two and a Half Men star was attempting to reach out to Bieber via the social networking blog last Wednesday (07Dec11) and sent him a note with his contact number - but Sheen made a mistake and actually tweeted the post to his 5.5 million followers.
The message, which read, "310-954-7277 Call me bro. C", was quickly posted online by fans - and they immediately started dialling the actor's number to see if it was really him.
Sheen was eating dinner at a restaurant in Las Vegas at the time of his Twitter mishap - and was forced to switch his phone off after it failed to stop ringing.
A source tells the New York Post's Page Six column, "Charlie's phone immediately went into meltdown. It was ringing wildly, and he got 1,800 text messages in minutes.
"Charlie saw the funny side and answered the phone a few times, saying things like, 'Ray's Pizza' and (his catchphrase) 'Winning'. But his phone just continued ringing and buzzing and eventually just completely melted down. Charlie was like, 'I guess I need a new phone.'"
And even Sheen's representative has been having trouble getting in touch - the spokesperson says, "I haven't been able to get through to him on the phone since Wednesday. He just got a new number."
It is not known why Sheen wanted to get in touch with Bieber.