When Disney revealed they were working on a live action adaptation of their classic 'Beauty and the Beast', fans were split as to whether or not it was a good idea. There's always a risk when bringing the exact story that's already gained so much critical acclaim to the big screen for a second outing, but worries would prove to be fruitless when the new film cashed in big at the box office and picked up some great reviews.

Emma Watson stars as Belle in 'Beauty and the Beast'Emma Watson stars as Belle in 'Beauty and the Beast'

Emma Watson leads the film as Belle, opposite Dan Stevens as the Beast, bringing one of the most recognisable Disney Princesses to fans once more for a familiar, yet unique magical adventure. 

Though many think the audition process for Belle would be as simple as screening for the role and then being chosen, Watson had to actually spend four months at a "boot camp" to secure her place in the movie.

Dan Stevens starred opposite Emma Watson as the BeastDan Stevens starred opposite Emma Watson as the Beast

Speaking on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Watson explained to the host: "I did princess boot camp for three months. It was fun. I got to ride a horse, I got to learn to waltz and then I had singing lessons and then rehearsals."

Asked if she could still waltz, she replied: "I could stumble my way through something reasonable." We're sure she's just being modest.

It's exciting to hear how much preperation actors involved with live action Disney adaptations have to go through in order to bring perfection to their already-established roles. Watson clearly shines on the big screen as Belle, so the "boot camp" she describes was clearly the right direction for her to go in.

When it comes to the hold that Disney seems to have over the world of movies right now, it's very exciting to hear what's coming next. One of those is a live action adaptation of another one of their classic animated flicks, 'The Lion King'. That movie will hit the big screen in 2019.

More: The Circle Made Emma Watson Limit Her Social Media Contact

'Beauty and the Beast' is available in movie theatres across the globe now.