Harrison Ford is proving why he is one tough man! After breaking his leg last month, the veteran actor may be readying himself for a return to the set of 'Star Wars: Epsiode VII' sooner than most people may have thought.

Harrison Ford
Ford was spotted walking unaided and without a cast on his broken leg

Ford, who is reprising his recognizable Han Solo role in 'Episode VII', was spotted on Monday (July 28th) in Santa Monica walking without a cast or the aid of a crutch just six weeks after the injury occurred.

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The 72 year-old's leg broke while he was shooting in the U.K. when a spaceship fell on top of him. Ironically it was his characters' own ship's hydraulic door, from the famed Millennium Falcon, that caused the damage.

After the incident, which occurred in Pinewood Studios, on the outskirts of London, Ford was airlifted to a nearby hospital to receive treatment. When arriving at the medical centre it was determined that Harrison would have to undergo surgery to repair the damaged leg.

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At the time his publicist, Ina Treciokas, released a statement that read, "His surgery was successful and he will begin rehab shortly. He's doing well and looks forward to returning to work."

Star Wars
Ford is reprising his iconic role of Han Solo in 'Episode VII'

Earlier this month Disney announced that production of 'Episode VII' will be suspended for two weeks in August to give director J.J. Abrams time to rework the shooting schedule, but the studio noted that the movie is still "on track" to be released in December 2015.

The other two original cast members, Mark Hamil and Carrie Fisher, have joined Harrison to reprise their iconic characters in the J.J. Abrams-directed film. Newer members of the cast include Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong'o, 'Girls' actor Adam Driver, 'Lord of the Rings' star Andy Serkis and Swedish actor Max von Sydow.