Jennifer Lawrence went to hospital for flatulence on Monday (18.11.13).

The 23-year-old actress cancelled her morning appearances to promote her new movie 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' earlier this week after she was struck down with bad stomach cramps, but she was left red-faced when doctors diagnosed her with bad gas.

She joked to David Letterman on 'The Late Show': ''I thought I had an ulcer and it turns out it was a 'falser!'

''I just had this really bad pain for, like, three weeks, and you can only s**t your pants so many times a day before you have to go to the emergency room, before you're like, 'I need to go to the hospital.'''

The Oscar-winning star managed to make it to her red carpet appearance on Monday (18.11.13), but only after the doctors had given her a proper examination and diagnosed the problem.

A source told the New York Daily News' Confidenti@l column: ''She had a brief doctor visit sometime before the premiere. She had cramps and stomach pain. Turns out it was gas.''

However, Jennifer is never one to shy away from an embarrassing situation and took her ailment in good stride.

Asked how she was feeling at the New York premiere of 'Catching Fire' last night (20.11.13), she quipped: ''Good ... just gassy.''