"Don't call it a comeback," LL Cool J famously began, "I been here for years." It's a true statement for Justin Timberlake, he never really left, but with a 6 year hiatus from original music, we're happy to call it a comeback - and he probably is too - because it's such a triumph. 

Within 24 hours of its release, Yahoo reports, 'Suit & Tie', JT's newest single alongside Jay-Z had already topped 400,000 singles sold. The record for one week currently stands at 416,000 and is held by Taylor Swift for 'I Knew You Were Trouble'. Did she count on Justin Timberlake being trouble for her records? Perhaps not. If he carries on with the kind of snowballing sales he has now, he could hit 1 million within the week. 

With such high sales for just a single, what's on the horizon for the album is looking incredibly bright. There is still no word for a release date for the album, but if it's anything like the run up to the release of his first single in 6 years then we have very high hopes of another exciting teaser- particularly given how much he admitted to enjoying the agony he caused everyone. 

He has been tweeting his thanks to fans today, hundreds of thousands of whom have jointly been behind this week's success for him. He said: