Pregnant ladies have a new uniform, it seems, inspired by Kate Middleton. Kate got her hair cut back in November, which in retrospect was when she was probably around one month pregnant. Now, Kim Kardashian has had bangs cut into her hair, just two weeks after the news that she's pregnant. Coincidence? Perhaps not.

Kim posted a photo of herself with the new bangs, softly cut and swept to one side, along with a message saying ""I cut my bangs for real! What do you guys think of my new look? Xo." The bangs are good, they soften her and in a strange way she looks more like Jessica Alba, which will forever be a good thing. Earlier in 2012 for some reason she tried out the blonde look, which wasn't terrible - she looked a lot like Holly Valance - but was also not a patch on her naturally dark locks. 

Now that she's going to be a baby-mamma, she and Kanye have apparently been discussing marriage. Sadly for them both, Kim is still married to Kris Humphries because they can't decide over a divorce settlement. "Kanye is very traditional. He'd have liked to marry Kim now they are having a baby," a source told the Sun. To compromise of the situation, she and Kanye will be exchanging vows and rings instead in a commitment ceremony, at a $7m Malibu beach mansion of one of Kim's friends.