Just when we thought we’d had our fill of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s mega wedding, new pictures of the big day have just been released by E!. But the new photos are a little different than the others we’ve seen of the happy couple. Here we've been treated to a more ‘behind the scenes’ look at the day and in essence they’re everything we’d want from Kimye's wedding pictures. They're beautiful with a hint of Disney fairytale magic and of course, ever so slightly odd.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye WestKimye, the wedding may be over but the memories live on

The first picture shows the happy family of Kim, Kanye and baby North after the ceremony. Little North is wearing her own custom Givenchy gown and is being held by her father as the three pose on the roof of the historic Forte di Belvedere. This particular picture was also shared by Kim on Instagram with the caption ‘my everything’.

While we can agree that the West’s are a good looking family, they may not be the best at posing in sync. Despite the fact he’s holding his daughter and standing beside his new bride Kanye, has his usual grumpy cat face on, a look which daughter North appears to be picking up. As for Kim, she probably didn't notice either of their expressions as she’s looking straight into the camera, poised as always. It all makes for one slightly disjointed looking family picture that's probably not one for the mantlepiece. 

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Picture number two is described by E! as showing “Kanye chatting with the bridal party after the ceremony in a bright, airy room that somehow illustrates all on its own the idyllic Mediterranean setting.” While we appreciate the creative description we have to wonder what exactly is Kanye chatting to the Kardashian women about? The expressions on the faces of Kendall and Kylie make it look as if he’s delivering some kind of “I’m in charge now” speech. However we can agree that the simple white bridesmaids dresses were a beautiful and elegant choice. Come to think of it maybe he’s saying “be careful of those dresses at the reception”, after all wearing white at a party is always a nightmare.

But the third picture might be the oddest of them all. Here we find Kanye before the wedding hanging out with pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. in what looks like a tunnel. As the perfectly timed snap was taken it appears God himself has showered Kanye with a ray of light making the rapper look truly majestic. If ever there was a picture which summed up how Kanye saw himself this is it, bathed in sunglight and with a pastor bowing his head in the background, if only this had been the Yeezus cover

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While the Kimye wedding might be sadly over, it’s far from forgotten, after all the couple have just embarked on their second honeymoon. We won’t get a proper look at Kim and Kanye’s big day until the much anticipated wedding episode of ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ airs later this year. But after looking at these photos we can only assume that what we know about the Kimye wedding is just the tip of the iceberg and plenty more juicy details are still to come.