Kim Kardashian’s pregnant and the celebrity world has gone gaga over the news. Twitter feeds across the world have exploded with the news that one of America’s most famous couples are going to be welcoming a baby into the world. Now, when you’re done pondering the concept of a tiny human, half Kim, half Kanye, take a look at some of the messages that other celebrities have been sending the happy couple.

Of course, as with all things Kardashian, most of the noise was coming from within the Kardashian camp. Khloe Kardashian was struggling to contain her excitement once the news got out and she’d been REALLY struggling to keep the news a secret beforehand, when she was finally allowed to tweet her messages of support, starting simply with “KIMYE” before moving on to “Keeping secrets is hard with so many family members! Especially when you are so freaking excited!!!!! LOVE is everything!!!!” and then she re-posted her husband Lamar’s own message “I'm excited for Kanye and my sister! There's nothing like bringing life into this world! Let's keep Gods blessings coming!" And Kim’s mother, Kris Jenner, also tweeted, excitably “Im a happy girl !!!!!!!!! Wowza! Oh BABY BABY BABY."

Outside of the family, Demi Lovato was quick to send a message of congratulations, saying “So happy for you @KimKardashian.. Love you SO much and I'm so excited to babysit!! Miss you girly.. Once again... SO happy for you!!! Xox” and Larsa Pippen tweeted “Congrats ‪@KimKardashian. You're gonna be the best mom ever!! Can't wait.” No word from Kris Humphries just yet, though… we could be waiting a long time for that one.