Kim Kardashian is set to face another legal battle after it emerged that hair-removal company Radiancy is suing the reality TV star and businesswoman for making numerous false and misleading statements while promoting rival removal company Tria, reports Reuters.
According to Radiancy, which sells the No! No! hair removal products, Kim has made several claims about Tria's hair removal line during her media appearances and on Twitter which they claim cannot be true. The lawsuit specifically refers to an appearance on 'The Wending Williams Show', in which the 31-year-old claimed to use Tria's product "on her entire body", even though the product is unsafe for use on the face, head, ears, neck and genitals. According to Radiancy, the Keeping up with the Kardashians star tweeted last December that she had begun using Tria products and was "loving the results so far", even though she'd become the company's spokesperson just weeks before - Tria's own website states that customers wouldn't begin to see results for at least 90 days. Twitter in particular is increasingly being used as an arena for celebrity endorsements - with some high profile stars tweeting to more than 5 million people, advertisers see it as a perfect opportunity to reach huge groups of people. Recently, rapper Snoop Dogg mentioned an ad for the Toyota Sienna minivan, while Tori Spelling linked to a website for rental cars.
The lawsuit is another headache for Kardashian, who is set to begin divorce proceedings after splitting with husband Kris Humphries after just 72 days of marriage. The Nba star has reportedly hired Minnesota attorney Lee Hutton.