From January 11, fans will be able to utilize Lady GaGa’s mental health counselling service after the ‘FAME’ star revealed plans on Twitter to offer free counselling for any fans attending her gigs in North America this season.

Gaga is many things, but she’s always been an outspoken voice in raising mental health awareness, a cause closer to her heart after one of her own fans committed suicide in 2011 following homophobic bullying. The pop star’s plans involve a bus outside all her gigs pre-show – starting in Vancouver on the 11th – where professional counsellors will be on hand to offer out advice for anyone who decides to board. Writing about it on Twitter, the 26 year-old said: “For those wondering about the ‘counselling’ at the BTWBall BornBrave pre-show, it will be a fun tailgating experience for monsters to unite.”

“At the BornBrave bus you have have access to professional private or group chats about mental health, depression, bullying, school and friends” she added. “I feel like most kids don’t look for help because they feel embarrassed so mum and I wanted to break the stigmas around ‘help’ and make it fun.” Fans will get plenty of chance to make use of the help, with Gaga touring North America right through until March 20.