Lady GaGa has come up with a cunning plan to combine the work of her Born This Way foundation and her Born This Way Ball concert tour, by providing free counselling for fans before the show. The BornBrave bus will be a place where Gaga’s “Little Monsters” can go to talk about the issues affecting their lives, whether that’s depression, bullying, or problems at school or with friends.

Mother Monster revealed details of her plan via her Facebook page, where she wrote “For those wondering about the 'counseling' at the BTWBall BornBrave pre-show, it will be a fun tailgating experience for monsters to unite… At the BornBrave Bus you have access to professional private or group chats about mental health, depression, bullying, school & friends. There will also be food and games, DJ White Shadow and Lady Starlight will DJ with host BREEDLOVE to keep the experience fun.”

The pop star went on to explain why she’d been moved to provide such a service, revealing “I feel like most kids don't look for help because they feel embarrassed so mom + I wanted to break the stigmas around 'help' and make it fun. I'm counting down the days till the Ball starts up again.” She won’t have to be counting for too much longer, because the tour resumes on January 11, 2013, where she’ll also donate $5,000 per show to a local homeless shelter for youths.