Is there ever a dull day in Lady GaGa’s life? We reackon there probably is; a day when she simply wants to read a graphic novel, or spend the morning carving a nice lunch together. Perhaps she has days where she just drinks ice cold Colas with ice. Like normal people.

Lady Gaga ApplauseThe Artwork for Lady Gaga's New Single 'Applause'

But Lady Gaga isn’t normal people, not really. She performs in front of millions each year, and is in the ears of many more each day. Even normal life for gaga – entertaining crowds at sell out shows and toruing the world – doesn’t just happen normally. The star has opened up on the injury that forced her out of many European dates: she broke her hip… ouch.

"My injury was actually a lot worse than just a labral tear. I had broken my hip. Nobody knew, and I haven’t even told the fans yet. But when we got all the MRIs finished before I went to surgery there were giant craters, a hole in my hip the size of a quarter, and the cartilage was just hanging out the other side of my hip,” she explained, to gruesome effect. “I had a tear on the inside of my joint and a huge breakage. The surgeon told me that if I had done another show I might have needed a full hip replacement. I would have been out at least a year, maybe longer." (Women's Wear Daily)

Hip replacements don’t sound very hip, but her new album cover? That’s pretty hip. It features her with smudged makeup, peeping through a white sheet. She looks like an arty clown, that’s the only way to really describe it. Her new single – Applause - and the pre-order for Artpop are available from August 18.

Lady GagaLady Gaga's Instagram is a funny place