It’s been a pretty timid week for Lady GaGa fans by her standards. But when your standards are wearing dressed made of meat and modelling fully naked in arty videos, you could do quite a lot of things and consider them timid. This week: knife wielding on stage.

Lady GagaYep, there's Lady Gaga, wearing that

She kicked off the iTunes festival in style, treating the crowd to plenty of new songs from her album Artpop. Donning a ninja costume, Gaga also took out a kitchen knife – a large one – with the word ‘Hollywood’ written on it. What could that mean, she’s, cutting edge?

DJ White Shadow is certainly cutting edge, and he worked on Gaga’s latest album. "It's just another step on the ladder, it's another step forward. It's different, it's a different record," Shadow said. "We didn't sit down and say 'ARTPOP has to be this'. It's like that's how she's feeling at the time. I think it's a really fun album. There's really fun stuff on there. We didn't make 15 trees; we made a forest. She's writing every single song, so they're coming from her." (MTV)

Lady Gaga see throughLady Gaga in a very see through outfit there

Gaga’s iTunes performance was typically extravogent as she treated fans to a total of seven new songs. "I am excited for [her] to be able to perform a bunch of new songs. Her concerts are always so fun and this music is so fun. I just know the performances are so fun. I'm just looking forward to the next tour. It's going to be a cool tour," continued Shadow.