We all know Lady GaGa is precious but what could she have required that accumulated in her assistant, in the space of 16 months, clocking up over 7000 hours of overtime?

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga's assistant allegedly worked over 7000 hours overtime.

We're not sure, she is a very busy woman but she appears to have been so busy between December 2009 and March 2011 that she simply forgot to pay her employee for these hours. The former employee, Jennifer O'Neill, filed a court case in 2011 against Gaga in the hopes of receiving her pay. After two years, the Mother Monster has finally settled her bill, which the plaintiff initially totalled as $400 ,000, paying out an undisclosed sum to her former employee. Her decision to settle comes just in time as the trial date was set for 4 November in New York. 

Gaga, rather than bowing out of the situation gracefully, she verbally abused O'Neill in a six hour deposition held in August 2012. In her testimony, Gaga said on her assistant's workload: "you don't get a schedule that is like you punch in and you can play...at your desk for four hours and then you punch out at the end of the day. This is when I need you, you're available."

She further described herself, according to E!, as "Queen of the Universe", further emphasising that the assistant was at fault because "she didn't want to be a slave to one, because in my work and what I do, I'm the queen of the universe every day."

Nevertheless, District Judge Paul G. Gardephe ruled that being "on call" as O'Neill was constantly, did qualify as overtime and therefore the case could have gone to trial.  Terms of the settlement have been kept confidential and neither side's attorney has spoken to the press. 

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga's settlement has not been disclosed.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga seems to think her work makes her "Queen of the Universe".