We all know there’s been no love lost between Lady GaGa and Madonna these last few months but did Mother Monster really turn down the opportunity to duet with the Godmother of Pop?

According to Madonna herself, she invited Gaga to perform onstage with her but found herself on the receiving end of a rebuttal. During her concert at St. Paul, Minnesota, Madonna told the crowd “I have the best fans in the world, so take that, Lady Gaga!” She then added that she had reached out to Lady Gaga and invited her to sing onstage with her during the recent tour. “You know, I invited her onstage to sing with me. But, she turned me down. It's okay. I've been rejected before. It builds a little character." The Huffington Post tried to contact Lady Gaga’s representative, to see if there’s any truth in the matter but didn’t hear either way.

It’s not clear exactly what Madonna asked her to sing, or why Lady Gaga said no to the offer. Perhaps she’d asked her to sing ‘Express Yourself,’ the song that she’s accused Gaga of ripping off, with her own track ‘Born This Way.’ There seems to be a fair bit of animosity between the two pop queens, so we wouldn’t be surprised if there was a reason behind Gaga’s refusal. Madonna’s North American tour ends in Miami on November 20, before she take the MDNA tour to South America.