Robin Williams is set to make a TV comeback over 30 years after Mork & Mindy was taken off the air in 1982. The legendary actor is ready to implement a lifetime of funny man antics – and some serious stuff, too – as The Crazy Ones hits CBS September 26th.

“You have to establish a character that people buy into," Williams told reporters at a Television Critics Association meeting in Beverly Hills, according to Reuters. "I think people will buy into not just my character but the relationship with everybody else. He has good ideas and bad ones."

If anyone knows about creating lovable characters, it’s Williams, from Jumanji to Mrs Doubtfire, from Professor Philip Brainard to Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting. This isn’t Williams’ first appearance on the small screen though; numerous cameos have punctuated his absences from TV, our favourite being on Louie, where he plays the mutual friend of Louis C.K’s – it’s a sombre yet hilarious turn, and portrayed a mature side to his often goofy style.

In The Crazy Ones, Williams is let off the leash to some extent, using his considerable experience to mould the script into slightly different shapes. "He says my words perfectly," Producer David E. Kelley – famous for his work on Alley McBeal – said. "Then he uses his. He manages inside the box, then we give him a few takes where he gets to take out of it."

Robin WilliamsWilliams cracks a trademark goofy grin