Hollywood bad boy Shia LaBeouf was allegedly beaten up on a night out in London.

The Sun newspaper reported that LaBeouf and a friend was enjoying a couple of drinks in Leicester Square was beaten up after he filmed two drunken women with his camera phone, whilst one of them was being sick.

The 27 year-old is currently in the capital city shooting a new World War II thriller called ‘Fury’ that also stars brad Pitt.

According to the newspaper two women called Ash Nawaz, 27, and her sister Isis, 24 did not recognise the ‘Lawless’ star and asked him to stop filming and leave.

LaBeouf ignored their request and carried on filming until a passer-by saw the commotion and intervened, but the Hollywood actor made the mistake of turning the camera on him.

The man who has not yet been identified punched LaBeouf twice in the face and kicked him in the groin before bouncers at a nearby club split up the fight, in which LaBeouf ran away with his friend in tow.

Comically, Ash told The Sun “I only realized it was Shia after he’d been beaten up. If I’d known, I’d have let him film me as much as he liked. I have a massive crush on him.” A witness on the scene said, “It was handbags really”.

LaBeouf doesn’t have much luck in the city of London, last November in 2012 the actor got into a fight with a student for stealing his baseball cap and refused to give it back, which contactmusic.com reported at the time.

Shia is set to star in the upcoming two piece erotic drama film ‘Nymphomaniac’ which will be released on December 25th 2013 in Denmark.

shia labeouf
Shia LaBeouf was beaten up in London's leicester square