Taylor Swift recently met with a young fan, who is in hospital receiving treatment for cancer. 10 year-old Lauren Hacker received a real treat when the Grammy award-winning singer popped by the hospital in Omaha to wish Lauren well. Lauren’s friends set up a YouTube video, pleading with Taylor to come and see Lauren, entitled “Come See Lauren, Please Taylor” and Swift can be seen in photos taken by the Omaha World-Herald, hugging Lauren in her hospital room, posing next to a keyboard.

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift visited young cancer patient in hospital

Lauren’s father, Phil Hacker, wrote about the visit on Lauren’s Caring Bridge blog, where he wrote “Taylor Swift stopped by Lauren's room at the hospital around 1 p.m. in the afternoon. She spent about an hour chatting with Lauren…Lauren got in on the act and played a song on the electronic piano keyboard that she got for her birthday."

According to the blog, Lauren was also treated to some childhood anecdotes, as Taylor recounted Lauren to a few tales of her attempts to get into the music business as a kid. "Taylor shared stories from her childhood as she was getting her start as an entertainer…Just before she had to leave, Taylor got out a bag of goodies for Lauren and provided autographs on notebooks, photographs and guitar picks…It was a great afternoon for everyone and I'm sure Lauren will remember it for many years to come." Lauren a fifth grader, is suffering from acute myelocytic leukemia.” 

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