Review of Smile Like You Mean It Single by The Killers

The Killers

The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It - Single Review

The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It - Single Review
The Killers

Smile Like You Mean It

Perhaps not the obvious choice for a single but nonetheless a totally class track.

This is the track that you always end up humming when you’ve had a rock about listening to Hot Fuss, it’s got that likeability and sentimentality that although most Killers tracks have, this just seems a bit more gutting… I mean imagine you were told to smile like you meant it… busted or what!

Something you really can’t ignore with this track is the massive undertones of The Smiths seeping through its reminiscent lyrics and definitive pace; it’s not a cheap copycat attempt though mind, more like a brilliant sound has come around again to go through the 21 st Century car wash to get a new polish.

What you probably won’t full appreciate on the first listen is the quality of Vanucci’s drumming here, incredible pace and rhythm changes really give this track the bones from which the guitars and vocals can flesh out.


Jemma Volp-Fletcher
