In an emotional interview, Shannen Doherty has revealed that she expects to be dead “in five years” as she spoke about her ongoing battle with breast cancer.

Despite a recent single mastectomy in May and undergoing three rounds of chemotherapy, the 45 year old actress was recently told by doctors that the cancer had spread to outside her lymph nodes, meaning that she’s facing another gruelling period of chemo as well as radiotherapy.

Shannen Doherty Kurt IswarienkoShannen Doherty with husband Kurt Iswarienko in 2011

The former ‘Beverly Hills 90210’ and ‘Charmed’ star was diagnosed with cancer in early 2015, and shaved her head a fortnight ago to highlight her struggle and empathise with those in a similar situation. She spoke to Entertainment Tonight on Wednesday (August 3rd) about when she told her husband, Kurt Iswarienko, the devastating news.

“I called him, which was horrible of me,” she recalled. “I was in the car. I was with my mom, and the doctor called me and I’m, you know, ‘I’m going to wait until I see him,’ and I just couldn’t. So I picked up the phone and I called him and he was like, ‘Where are you?’”

More: Shannen Doherty shaves her head as she fights breast cancer

Having driven home, she found him waiting in the driveway waiting to embrace and comfort her.

“[He] hugged me and said, ‘We are going to get through this. You are going to be okay,'” Doherty said. “‘We are going to get through this, you’re strong and you’re powerful and you’re not going anywhere. You have so much to do in your life. We are going to get through it as a family.'”

However, despite the tragic news, Doherty said that the ordeal has strengthened her relationship with her husband.

“My marriage was always strong, but it’s made my marriage a thousand times stronger,” she explained. “I could not have gotten through this without my husband.”

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