Amy Winehouse once tried to recruit Paloma Faith for her band.

The 'Back To Black' hitmaker approached 'Stone Cold Sober' singer Paloma at a party when both were still relatively unknown performers in London, because she liked her retro styling and thought she would fit well in her backing band.

Paloma, 25, said: "She just came up to me and said she liked my look and would I like to be in her band. I had to tell her I didn't really play any instruments. She just said, 'b****r' and walked off."

Paloma added that Amy, 27, did, however, also ask her for tips on how to recreate her hairstyle.

The singer - who famously wears elaborate, gothic styled outfits - also added that she purposefully assumes such a style to help give her confidence, as she is naturally very shy.

She added: "I was a really introverted child and quite a recluse. And everyone was really shocked when I came out of my shell playing a dinosaur in the school play.

"I remember feeling like, 'If it's not me, it doesn't matter'. And I still do that. You know, people ask me, 'oh, do you ever not dress up?' but it's to do with me sort of becoming someone else in order to be confident."