LATEST: Campaigning rocker Bono today (01MAR06) launched a "sexy" new credit card aimed at tackling the AIDS epidemic in Africa. The U2 frontman and supermodel Elle Macpherson are the faces behind the Red American Express card - which will donate one percent of the total funds spent on it towards combating the continent's HIV problem. The VERTIGO singer is convinced working alongside global brands is the key to alleviating suffering in the developing world. He says, "This is really sexy to me. It is sexy to want to change the world. Red is a 21st-century idea. I think doing the Red thing, doing good, will turn out to be good business for them. "We got a long way with Make Poverty History (charity organisation combating the income gap worldwide) but we need to keep the heat on these issues. Some people will be offended that activists like me are working with big companies, but when you see people queuing up to die from a disease which is curable, it makes you want to do something."