Bruce Willis

$1 Million A Day? Bruce Willis is officially out of The Expendables 3, having been replaced by Harrison Ford. The thing is, there appears to have been an almighty dispute over money, leaving Sylvester Stallone at odds with his former friend. Is Bruce worth $1 million a day? Check out our defense here!

Kramer vs Cancer: Dustin Hoffman has well and truly given cancer the slip after being "surgically cured" from the disease. The legendary Hollywood star is recovering at home with his family, though was given the all-clear recently. Check out the full story here

Miley Cyrus

BANGERZ! Great news for fans of Miley Cyrus this week, with the newly edgy pop superstar announcing her new album, BANGERZ. From what we've already heard, it seems a far more adult Miley, though has she collaborated with Britney Spears? Read all the speculation here

Gaga's Gone Gaga: Yep, just when you thought Lady GaGa couldn't get any crazier, she's got naked in a forest. The singer has stunned her fans with a new promotional video dedicated to performance artist Marina Abramovic. It probably has to be seen to be believed. Check it out here.

The Failed Michael Scotts: Could you imagine someone other than Steve Carell playing Michael Scott on The Office? No, us neither, and it's a good job he got the gig given the level of quality at the auditions. Did you know Seth Rogen read for the part of Dwight? Check out all the leaked auditions here.

There Goes My Baby: Worrying news from camp Usher this week, with reports suggesting his ex-wife has filed for emergency custody following an incident in which their son "nearly drowned" after his arm became trapped in a pool drain. The custody case is complex and serious stuff - get the whole story here.

Beyonce Copies Miley, Emma? The celebrity gossip world went into overdrive on Wednesday when Beyonce did the unthinkable, chopped off her hair! Yep, the R&B queen has gone for a short pixie cut, which has inevitably prompted accusations that she's copied Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson. Check out the snappy cut here.

Amber Tamblyn

Two and a Half Men? CBS might have to reassess the title of its biggest sitcom because Ashton Kutcher and Jon Cryer are set to be joined by a very special guest. Amber Tamblyn has landed the role of Charlie Harper's lesbian daughter, who will make her debut this summer. Find out whether she'll be sticking around here.

Video of the Week: This week's hottest footage comes from the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas, where Amanda Seyfried and Sharon Stone showed up at a special screening of Lovelace. Check out the footage here, and read our thoughts on the movie here.