On Friday this week (Jan 25) Burt Reynolds was admitted to a Florida hospital after his existing flu symptoms began to worsen and his friends and family began to worry for the veteran actor's wellbeing.

Reynolds was instantly admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit, where he was diagnosed as suffering from severe dehydration. Fortunately though, it looks like Reynolds is well and truly back on the road to recovery after his doctors announced that his symptoms were improving and he will be released from the ICU in the very near future. According to a statement given to TMZ  yesterday (Jan 26), the actor's fever broke on Saturday morning and he is expected to be transfered to a regular wing of the hospital by the end of the weekend.

Apparently, many of his family and friends had been concerned with Reynold's condition before he was admitted into hospital, with them saying that the actor was "touch and go" before he hospital admittance. The recent news of his quick recovery has come as a great relief to those close to him as well as the fans worrying about his condition. He is expected to leave hospital next week, once doctors have deemed him healthy enough.