By now, just about everyone has seen the first official portrait of future Queen Kate Middleton, and just about all of those who have seen it agree that it really doesn't do the duchess any favours at all. Enter the internet, and the masses of people offering their own take on the picture.

Catherine herself is said to be "thrilled" with the results and has praised both the portrait and artist, Paul Emsley, but few others have been quite so kind about the depiction of the royal. As such, people have given their own take on the controversial picture, with varying degrees of hilarity and perhaps a few potential follow-ups.

One such adaption has taken inspiration from the famed altercation to a painting of Jesus, which was damaged, and then re-painted in a style befitting the Mr Bean Movie.

What the portrait may look like if an unfortunate accident were to happen

Speaking of Mr Bean, how about this rather unsettling depiction of what Rowan Atkinson's creation may look like if it was him who married into the Royal family.

Just plain scary!

Elsewhere, a few other people have actually painted their own versions of the portrait, with few a slight improvements found in two particular paintings, the second one being re-tweeted by former MP Louise Mensch.

The work of a future Paul Emsley?

Twitter art

What do you think? Is their a new version of the portrait out there that you prefer?