Will Kim Kardashian ever forgive Joan Rivers for her comments about North West? It appears not, if supposed events at the NBC Upfronts are anything to go by!

Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian at the NBC Upfronts on Thursday.

Kardashian and Rivers both appeared at the same event, the NBC Upfronts in Los Angeles on Thursday (May 15th). Rivers was allegedly meant to be sat next to Kardashian but was mysteriously moved at the last minute, as Us Weekly reports. Sources claims Kardashian requested 80-year-old Rivers be moved to another seat.

Kardashian appeared at the event alongside her sister, Khloe, but she was certainly not sharing the limelight with a woman who had publically insulted her child if reports are to be believed. A source, apparently at the event, said “Khloe and Kim were seated next to Joan Rivers, but they had them move her.” Another source added “Kim and Khloe both don’t want drama and can’t fake it any more with Joan, so they asked the staff to keep them separate.”

In January of this year, Rivers made some controversial remarks in her typical fashion which Kardashian probably didn’t take too well. Rivers allegedly stated whilst performing at E!: ''That baby [North West] is ugly. I've never seen a six-month-old so desperately in need of a waxing.'' This was not the first time Rivers has mocked the Kardashian Klan as she previously spoofed Kim’s sex tape and has mocked a number of their siblings on stage.

Read more: Kim Kardashian: Joan Rivers Calls North West "Ugly".

Khloe and Kim KardashianKhloe and Kim Kardashian appeared together at the Upfronts and allegedly asked staff to move Joan Rivers.

However, Kardashian may have turned a blind eye to River’s remark as they recently saw each other at Jimmy Fallon. A source claimed Kardashian did not confront Rivers about her remark and was polite. The source stated Kardashian and Rivers “even took a pic together when Joan asked.”

Whether or not Rivers was truly moved away from the Kardashian sisters can never be known as neither party has addressed the issue and E!’s representative has vehemently denied the rumours. It’s safe to assume Kardashian has bigger things to worry about with her wedding ceremony within the next week and on an entirely different continent. The 33-year-old is all set to marry Kanye West on May 24th. Reports about the location of the wedding remain unconfirmed, it was initially thought the high profile pair would tie the knot in Paris but it seems Florence is another option.

Read more: Kim Kardashian Moving To The Hamptons.

They’re both keeping details of their upcoming nuptials a secret however, ensuring speculation is rife. Fortunately for fans of the couple, the Keeping Up With The Kardashian cameras will film all the wedding preparation and the after ceremony as cameras are banned from the ceremony itself.

Joan Rivers
Joan Rivers has mocked the Kardashians on numerous occaisons.