Lady GaGa declared a 'pop emergency' on Twitter after her new single 'Applause' was leaked on Saturday. Her tweets on Monday (12th August) read: "A POP EMERGENCY IS UNDERWAY" and later "911 SUMMON THE MONSTER TROUPES."

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga leaving her West Hollywood hotel wearing her 'artpop' makeup.

Although Gaga did not declare specifically what the 'pop' emergency was initially, she later tweeted regarding her leaked single. The 27-year-old diva tweeted to fans "DUE TO HACKERS AN ABUNDANCE OF LOW/HIGH QUALITY LEAKS.WE ISSUE THIS POP MUSIC EMERGENCE. MONSTERS SPREAD THE WORD."

The 'Monsters' responded to her call of help immediately. Her fans the campaigned against piracy in their droves by sharing a link created by Universal Music, Gaga's record label, which allows internet users to report illegal distribution of her music.The track was released yesterday (August 12th), despite being originally due out on August 19th.

Adding to her call for the 'Monster troupes', Gaga also included a photograph of herself wearing nothing but a small pair of black knickers. Gaga appears to be going through a naked phase which we hope will pass soon as it seems somewhat unnecessary. Last week video footage of the naked singer, undergoing bizarre performance art training at the hands of Marina Abramovic, was posted online.

Gaga is not the only artist to suffer at the hands of hackers this week as Katy Perry's single 'Roar' was also leaked ahead of schedule. Fortunately the leak arrived only two days before the single's release date, nevertheless, Gaga contacted her pop peer to say, according to the New York Daily News, that they should "grab some shovels and f**k up some hackers.";

Listen to Lady Gaga's new single 'Applause' :

Applause is from Gaga's upcoming album Artpop, her third studio album, will be released on 11th November 2013.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga at 20th Annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit in Watermill, New York.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga leaving the E! building in Hollywood.