The first picture of Michael Douglas and Matt Damon as Liberace and his young lover Scott Thorson has emerged, with the pair playing the roles for Steven Soderbergh’s forthcoming HBO movie Behind The Candelabra, airing May 26, 2013.

As you’d expect, the pair look somewhat striking and hugely different from their usual selves, with Douglas in particular looking remarkably perturbing as the flamboyant Liberace. In an interview the pair gave to Entertainment Weekly, Damon commented “Every Sunday night, this girl would come to my house and I would stand in my garage and I would hike my boxer briefs up into the crack of my a– and she would give me a spray tan.” He quipped of his wife Luciana Bozán Barroso, “We’ve been through three childbirths, we’ve been in the trenches, there are no secrets. But I really wish she didn’t see that. That’s too much.”

Michael DouglasMatt Damon

MIchael Douglas and Matt Damon look somewhat different in Entertainment Weekly this week

On a more serious note, this is Michael Douglas’ first role back since he was diagnosed with cancer back in 2010, and he told EW “It was great to get back. It gave me a new appreciation for what I do, taking advantage of it.” The pair also admitted that it was awkward shooting the sex scenes together, though they were good-humored about it. “The scene where I’m behind him and going at him, we did that in one take,” said Damon. “We do it. Cut. There’s a long pause. And then you just hear Steven go, “Well… I have no notes.”