Review of Soap in a Bathtub Single by Stoney


Stoney - Soap in a Bathtub - Single Review

Stoney - Soap in a Bathtub - Single Review

Soap in a Bathtub

What a find! All hail Stoney!

One of the most refreshing pieces of music I’ve heard in a really long time. Soap in a Bathtub is dirty, quirky and witty but then a little bit soft around the edges.

With an incredible melody that you’ll almost certainly think you’ve heard before because it’s so good, Soap in a Bathtub has sleaze written all over it but then smacks you right on the arse and turns all emotional and a bit Badly Drawn Boy.

Who could believe this guy does everything…EVERYTHING... on his tracks apart from the drums. I think we can let him off a few drumsticks if this is the outcome. With amazing guitar riffs and beautifully arranged vocal sections, Soap in a Bathtub is a fantastic follow up to ‘Constantly Running’.

More where that came from please!


Jemma Volp-Fletcher
