Whoops! Peter Baimbridge - a Mensa member - made a comment during a live discussion about IQ testing on BBC Breakfast, and it hasn't gone down well. 

He labelled anyone with an I.Q score of 60 as 'probably a carrot', saying, "Mr and Mrs Average scoring 100", adding that if your IQ is "somewhere around 60 then you are probably a carrot". This was, obviously, met with a barrage of complaints. 

Ciara Evans, who has a learning disability, said, according to The Daily Mail: "I am shocked that someone has described people like me as carrots. We can achieve a lot in life. I live independently, have a full-time job and I'm getting married next year. I am disgusted that he made this comment, and on behalf of all the people who have tweeted, rung and emailed Mencap to say how upset they are, I think Mensa should apologise and he should engage his brain before his mouth. It seems that having a high IQ doesn't make you a sensitive or caring human being," she continued. 

According to Mencap, 1.5million people in the UK have a learning disability. A BBC spokesman said: "Clearly we do not condone the comments that were made in any way and sincerely apologise for the offence caused."