Alan Richman's new show is coming to a stop before it even got started.

The television star forced the Travel Channel to postpone 'Man Finds Food' after he was involved in a spat with fans on Instagram.

Richman, who has previously hosted shows such as 'Man v. Food' and 'Best Thing I Ever Ate,' engaged in an expletive-filled rant with other users after he posted a harmless photograph.

The 40 year-old's snap featured himself in a suit he ordered a year ago before losing 70 pounds. "Had ordered this suit from a Saville Row tailor over a year ago. Think I'm gonna need to take it in a little...#thinspiration," the caption read, using a hashtag that is used to promote pro-anorexia.

When users, including "adipose activist" Amber Sarah, took offense to the hashtag and explained what it actually means, Richman decided to lash out at them.

"Grab a razor blade & draw a bath. I doubt anyone will miss you," he ruthlessly said to one person, and then told another "Oh eat a bag of s---, dummy, No apology is coming...Only f---up it seems was your Dad's choice to go without a condom."

When hosting previous shows such as the popular 'Man v Food,' the Brooklyn-born star found himself putting on huge amounts of weight due to "the thousands of calories I'd eat over the course of a shoot," he told Men's Health.

More: Man v. Food star Adam Richman loses 70lbs

"Airplane seats felt cramped, I was wearing an XXL jacket, and I had less energy," he continued. "I went in for a checkup, and when my doctor had me stand on the scale, even he was surprised."

So it sounds like Richman just wanted to show off his transformed body shape, but due to the foulmouthed rants the Travel Channel have chosen to cancel the new show's premiere, which was confirmed to the Washington Post.

"I've long struggled with my body image and have worked hard to achieve a healthy weight," Richman said in a statement. "I'm incredibly sorry to everyone I've hurt."

Alan Richman
Richman has apologized for his offensive comments