Channel 4 may have just alienated every 10-15-year-old girl in the U.K by airing their documentary: Crazy About One Direction. The doc, which debuted at 10pm on Thursday – a lame attempt to catch ‘Directioners’ past their bedtime – has caused a stream of sometimes-scary abuse from fans of the band on social media.

One Direction

“If they said chop an arm off, I would,” one young fan announced before taking a second to think about what she just said. (Count to 5). Yep, she’s going with it: arm’s coming off. “Cos some people only have the one arm, don't they, and they're all right, aren't they?” They are, they are, but you’re not.

But it’s that kind of mocking that got Channel 4 into this heat, and we don’t want any part of it. Liam Payne (he’s in the band) Tweeted out in defence of his One Direction ultras, saying: "Just so all of you know we love you guys and we know how dedicated you are and tbh we can't believe it that you gus spend all you time on us."

Pay special attention to the line ‘tbh we can't believe it that you gus spend all you time on us" and ignore the spelling mistake – it can happen to anyone. We can’t believe it either, Liam.

One Direction perfumeOne Direction's perfume: One Moment

He continued: "We couldn't give a fuck what any documentary says there dramatised for entertainment and full of bulls**t anyway we all know...... How hard you work for us and see it everyday at our shows, Let's all take a step back and think about what we/you have all achieved...You should be proud."

Now there he may have a point: TV is deigned to entertain, so if a collection of footage can be manipulated via the editing process to undermine its subject, then you can be sure that route will be taken. Anyway, it’s fun to look at the tweets, so go ahead and see what the fans are saying.