Selena Gomez is in a transitional year when it comes to her personal life as she recently became a home-owner for the first time and it seems she is taking full advantage of her new found independence.

Selena Gomez
Gomez likes walking around naked at home

The 22 year-old singer opened up about owning her new Los Angeles bachelorette pad, which she shares with her childhood friend from Texas, while appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that aired Monday (Oct 13th).

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"Yeah, I can, like, walk around naked now and stuff!" Gomez joked with the host, who replied, "That's why you live alone, that's why you pay a mortgage!"

On a serious note, despite making several big changes in her career, including hiring a new manager and signing with a different record label, the former child star does like having the responsibility of having her own property.

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"Honestly, I just enjoy not being able to have to check in all the time," she said, explaining, " mom is the sweetest ever, so even now she checks in on me. She's like, 'I see online you're here. are you OK?' and I'm like, 'I'm fine, mom, I promise!' But I think that's just the best thing, being able to go into my own space..."

Selena Gomez
Gomez enjoys her new independence 

Ellen then probed Gomez to rate herself on a scale of 1 to 10, on how she has dealt with the pressures of maturing into a young adult.

"I'm a seven," she replied. "I feel like I have been doing this for so long that people are like, 'Be yourself, be yourself,' and I'm still trying to figure out who that is. I know I'm not perfect, but I know that I have a lot of people that support me and love me. I don't want to let anyone down so I just try to be the best I can be. It's awkward being 20."