Susan May Pratt

Susan May Pratt

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The Gift Trailer

Simon and Robyn barely have time to contemplate their perfect lives with their happy marriage and beautiful new house when they come face to face with the less than perfect past. While shopping at a department store Simon bumps into an old classmate named Gordo, though it takes a while for him to recognise him. When a bottle of expensive wine shows up on their doorstep from Gordo, they are left wondering how he got the address but nonetheless invite him over for dinner to say thank you for the house-warming gift. But pretty soon Gordo starts frequently showing up uninvited with stranger and stranger gifts, and when Simon tries to break off their unwanted friendship, things start to get scary. Threatening notes are left, Robyn's fish are suddenly dead and their house is being vandalised. Robyn starts to become seriously suspicious of her husband when the suggestion of an uncomfortable past between the two men arises, and she's desperate to find out what happened before things get out of hand.

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Open Water 2: Adrift Review

Who knew you could build a movie franchise around people just floating in the ocean?

Open Water 2: Adrift is in no way a sequel to the original Open Water, except that both feature people bobbing helplessly in the water. In the original, the sharks get them (more or less) after one couple's SCUBA charter leaves them behind. In this follow-up, six Gen-X'ers jump off a luxury yacht and into the water... but *d'oh!* no one put the ladder down, so they can't get back aboard. How will they get aboard? Well aside from the obvious (which occurs to them at the very end), they'll try everything from jumping in the water to making ropes out of bikini tops.

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Center Stage Review

At the American Ballet Academy, there is an abundance of passion, talent and determination. Of course these things simply aren't enough when it comes to making it as a professional ballet dancer.

As the camera probes into a crowded room of ballerinas spinning and dipping, a young blond is immediately isolated from the bunch. The male choreographer's assistant notes that the girl has poor form. The choreographer retorts, "Who cares, look at her." And with that the blonde, blue-eyed Jodie is given a spot in the American Ballet Academy, the Julliard of dancing.

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Susan May Pratt

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Susan May Pratt Movies

The Gift Trailer

The Gift Trailer

Simon and Robyn barely have time to contemplate their perfect lives with their happy marriage...

Center Stage Movie Review

Center Stage Movie Review

At the American Ballet Academy, there is an abundance of passion, talent and determination. Of...
