Molly and Ida stick to the theory, however. They argue until the two women get their way and Bill finally agrees to go see Lester. "But I do the talking," he says.

Back at the Nygaards’ (well, the one that’s left anyway) house, Lester is still walking around, giving us a glimpse of the crappy life he lived with Pearl and the exceptionally crappy situation he’s gotten himself into now. That’s when the cops arrive. Putting on a brave face, Lester welcomes them in. Molly tries to get straight into the interrogation, but Bill Bill greets his old friend. “How ya holding up?” he asks.

Allison Tolman
Meanwhile, Molly is getting suspicious.

Lester pours grape juice for his guests. "Pearl says it reminds her of being a kid," he says, then knocks on the table, forgetting. "Said," he corrects himself.

As Bill desperately tries to steer this into a social visit, Molly is relentless with her questions. Bill cuts in. He thinks this is getting too hard for Lester. Molly recognizes her window closing. "We’ve got a witness…says you were arguing with the man about Sam Hess," she says.

Under the table, Lester starts flexing his injured hand. But he’s wearing a poker face. "Who?" he asks.

The witness is Sam Hess, says Molly.

Pushed to the wall, Lester launches into some Class A bull… conspiracy theory and apparently manages to win Bill’s sympathy – enough to get off the hook for now.

More: Bob Odenkirk of the "intense evil and darkness" of Fargo

In the following scenes, we finally see Malvo get back into the story. But first thing’s first, he has a new identity. He is now Frank Peterson, minister, and his new client is Stavros Milos, the Supermarket King of Minnesota. Malvo visits Milos at his Phoenix Farms headquarters in Duluth. After some mild boasting on Milos’ part, they finally get to the reason for Malvo… err… Frank’s visit. He is there because of the blackmail letter, a hilarious old-school cut-out note that reads: "I know about the money pay me 43,613 or I tell the world." Milos won’t tell Malvo what it means, but he wants the blackmailer found – yesterday. Malvo wants to know what to do with the blackmailer once he’s found him. Send ‘em packing, Milos says in his best imitation of a movie tough guy. He suggests starting with his soon-to-be-ex-wife, who is suing him.

Adam Goldberg
Russell Harvard [L] and Adam Goldberg [R] in 'Fargo'

While Malvo is sleuthing around in Duluth, Misters Numbers and Wench are at the strip club where Hess was killed, grilling the prostitute and proprietor, who throw a guy named Lenny under the bus. Lenny gets the not-so-clever idea to threaten the hitmen, which gets him bound, gagged, thrown in the trunk and taken to Hess’ trucking office for Gold to ID. But Lenny’s not the mystery dude who visited Hess. 

Watch Billy Bob Thronton Arriving At Media Presents: Fargo In NYC: