The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will be released in cinemas in the spring of 2014, and up to now we've hardly seen any sneak peaks from behind the scenes of the movie, that's until now of course. Footage from the first trailer for the film has made it's way online, taken from a sneaky Comic-Con goer who managed to film the whole thing on his phone (and judging by the quality of the video, he was either sat all the way at the back of the convention room, or has a lousy camera).

Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield takes a break from filming the new Spidey

Check out some behind the scenes pics from the film

You'll probably want to reserve your thoughts about the trailer until the real one finally comes out (shouldn't be too long now), but if you really can't wait until then, you can squint and try and make out what the blurs are saying. Of course, if you really want to see some footage from the movie, footage that isn't so blurry you can hardly make anything out, the first official teaser trailer was released online earlier this month, which you can check out below.

In the film, we will be treated to two new villains, in the shape of Electro (played by Jamie Foxx) and Rhino (played by Paul Giamatti) who will be putting Peter Parker/Spiderman's (Andrew Garfield) abilities to the test. On top of this, we've also got Norman and Harry Osbourne (who eventually become the Green Goblin and the Hob Goblin in the comics) and there's also the continuing love story between Peter and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) to look forward to too.

Paul Giamatti Rhino
Paul Giamatti as Rhino

See more behind the scenes pictures from the superhero flick

Marc Webb's second attempt at bringing Spiderman to life will hit cinemas in April 2014, with more details, trailers and the like expected to come along any minute now...