An extraordinary tale of friendship and romance is set to hit our screens as the secret affair between world-class entertainer Liberace and his faithful young assistant Scott Thorson is brought to film. When Scott met the flamboyant pianist almost 40 years his senior, he was spellbound by the grandeur and luxury amidst which he lived. Equally, Liberace was charmed by the youth and beauty he saw in Scott and embraced him as a companion, a brother, a son and, later, his lover. However, the romance was not without its turmoil, with the couple regularly engaging in blazing rows mostly due to drugs and alcohol on Scott's part, the secrecy of their relationship and Liberace's shocking insistence that Scott undergo facial surgery to resemble a younger version of himself. Over their five year relationship, this unlikely pair went through every emotion possible while Liberace vehemently denied any passion between himself and his driver.
'Behind The Candelabra' is the passionate biopic of one of the biggest entertainers on the globe and his scandalous affair with a man less than half his age. It is based on the autobiography written in 1988 - a year after Liberace's death - by the real Scott Thorson entitled 'Behind the Candelabra: My Life With Liberace'. Directed by Steven Soderbergh ('Ocean's Eleven', 'Magic Mike', 'Traffic') and written by Richard LaGravenese ('P.S. I Love You', 'The Horse Whisperer', 'The Mirror Has Two Faces'), this unrestrained movie is in cinemas now.
Starring: Michael Douglas, Matt Damon, Rob Lowe