Review of Album Sampler Album by Freeform Five

FreeForm five

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FreeForm five - Album Sampler - Album Review

FreeForm five

Album Sampler

Freeform Five are continuing the Scissor Sisters theme. A male and female vocalist doing their thang to sex fuelled music. There’s lots of variation in this Album Sampler. The music is progressive, pretty dirty, industrial and oh so electro.

There’s contrasting but well suited vocals coming through on all the tracks. They’re sassy, soulful and loose. With the music it creates a new age disco-funk sound. The synths are a major feature in the

FreeForm five - Album Sampler - Album Review

music. It creates a heavy space sound that makes the music progressive, P-funky and well syncopated with the bass. It’s all about street jazz and club influences, mixed with uplifting vocals and a heavy dose of electro, to make FreeForm five a cool and groovy set of musicians.

There are real shades of soulful, folky music here as well. ‘Slow’ couldeasily be a chart hit and rest up there with the Coldplay, Stairsailor, Dovescrew or even the more ambient progressive dance musicians. You wouldn’tdetect the evident disco influences on ‘Slow’ or even ‘Easy,’ whichis a slow uplifting track. The other tracks are much heavier. There’s alot of funk and sex here in this music as well. A nice array of different newtunes, guaranteed to feed those well needed dancing

Tareck Ghoneim
