Parkland (Based on a true story, sort of)

Paul Giamatti ParklandPaul Giamatti in 'Parkland'

Parkland certainly looked promising from the early snapshots we saw. But those snapshots seem so very long ago now. A stellar cast, including the great Paul Giamatti, and the re-born Zac Efron promised so much; coupled with the emotive subject matter, we’re forgiving ourselves for contributing to the considerable – yet unfounded – hype.

Watch the Parkland trailer here

“This starry drama has documentary realism going for it, although without a single well-developed character it never finds any resonance. By recounting JFK's assassination from a variety of previously unseen angles, we learn some new things about that fateful day in November 1963. Oddly, the script doesn't even focus on the hospital that gives the film its name. That might have helped give the film some focus.”

Read the full review for Parkland here