John Lydon is voting for Donald Trump because he’s “the only sensible choice”.

The Sex Pistols legend, 64, has revealed he wants the current President of the United States to remain in power at the White House because he doesn’t believe Joe Biden has what it takes to be in charge.

In an interview with British newspaper The Observer, Lydon was quizzed on who he will be voting for in the upcoming presidential election on November 3, to which he replied: “I’d be daft as a brush not to (vote for Trump).

“He’s the only sensible choice now that Biden is up – he’s incapable of being the man at the helm.”

Lydon - who has his very own MAGA cap in support of Trump’s 'Make America Great Again’ motto - has previously voted for Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but he explained that he’s voting for Trump because of the economy and the fact he is empathetic of the president being called a racist.

He explained: “I’ve been accused of the very same thing, so I’m offended for anybody who’s called that.”

Lydon, who is anti-racist, admitted he found the death of unarmed black man George Floyd, who was killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis in May, “ghastly”.

When asked about the Black Lives Matter movement, which has seen anti-racism protests staged around the globe since Floyd’s death, Lydon said: “There’s not anyone I know anywhere that wouldn’t say that wasn’t ghastly.

“It doesn’t mean all police are nasty or all white folk are racist. Because all lives matter.”

Elsewhere, the 'God Save The Queen' hitmaker gave his opinion of the British Royal Family and admitted he feels sorry for them as they are trapped inside "gold cages".

Lydon also launched a scathing attack on Prince Harry's wife, Duchess Meghan, calling her a "dreadful person" who is "self-righteous and smug".

He added: “My feeling about the royal family is one of sorrow. I’ve always felt they’re poor little birdies trapped in cages, gold cages, but they’re still entombed.”

Asked about The Duchess of Sussex - who was known as Meghan Markle before quitting her acting career to become a member of the Royal Family upon marrying Harry in May 2018 - he responded: “Dreadful person. Very bad actress. But she’s in a masterclass now.”

And on the racism she has faced, he added: “Stop being self-righteous and smug, that’s what she needs to do. She’s hopping on a cause. There are valid cases out there, genuine people who need help.”