If there’s anything cooler than being a world famous actor, it’s being a world famous actor that jumps to people's rescue and saves lives. That’s what John Malkovic did when a man fell and cut his throat badly.

The actor, not usually cast in the role of the hero, had to use all his quick thinking about nous to save Jim Walpole, a retired General Motors car technician from Defiance, Ohio. “Bang, I fell right into the scaffolding along the hotel wall,” Jim said in an interview with the Toronto Sun. Unfortunately for Walpole, he sliced his throat on some metal, making the tumble life threatening. “The blood was coming out so fast,” his wife Marylin exclaimed. Malkovich, arrived at the scene of the accident, and got to work quickly. “He started to press of my neck,” Jim said. “He was trying to stop the bleeding.”

Ben Quinn was just walking by when Malkovich asked him to assist. He didn’t know who it was at the time, but obliged. “The guy really seemed to know what he was doing,” Quinn said. “We didn’t know who he was. I just asked if I could hold the man’s head and he said yes."

John MalkovichMalkovich's quick thinking helped save a man's life

Thankfully, this accident-cum-near-disaster has a happy ending. “I owe them all my life,” Jim said. “But the first guy really seemed to know what to do,” he added of Malkovich. When he was about to be driven away in an ambulance, Jim turned to the stranger and said: “What’s your name?” He said: “My name is John and you are going to be alright.” Cool.

John MalkovichHe's thinking now, but it won't take him long to action those thoughts.