Kelly Osbourne is ''grateful'' to have her dog Oat.

The 35-year-old star adopted the animal earlier this year and believes it has helped her find a ''positive side'' to the coronavirus pandemic.

Kelly shared a selfie with Oat on Instagram, with the caption: ''Everyday I wake up and try to find the positive side to the mess we are all living in. Today I am so grateful to #RONA because without her I would never adopted Oat!

''She is the light in my life!!! What are you grateful for today?''

Kelly - the daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne - revealed that she had adopted Oat back in April after sharing a picture of the pair cuddling together in bed. The dog joined her first pet, Poll.

She wrote on the social media site at the time: ''There is no way I could get through this quarantine without my animals. Fostering Oat was the best thing for me. I have decided to officially adopt her.

''Thank you Erica and everyone @wagsandwalks I just adore her.''

Kelly had also encouraged her followers to consider fostering pets to support their local animal shelters during the global health crisis - after she had done so with Oat.

The 'One Word' singer wrote on Instagram: ''To anyone reading this that can... support for local shelter and foster a dog/cat as they are over loaded right now and need all the help they can get. Stay safe everyone. I love you all.''

Kelly recently revealed that she had gastric sleeve surgery to help her achieve a slimmer figure.

She said: ''I had surgery; I don't give a f*** what anyone has to say. I did it, I'm proud of it, they can suck s***. I did the gastric sleeve. All it does is change the shape of your stomach. I got that almost 2 years ago. I will never ever ever lie about it ever.''