What do you worry about on a day-to-day basis? Whether you'll make the bus to work? If you've defrosted the prawns for tonight? Perhaps you worry about having a roof over your head. If you're Nicky Minaj, you worry about become too famous.

"Sometimes you are afraid of being too famous because it's almost, like, is that even cool? Being that accessible, someone you see on TV every week? I never pictured myself as that type of person. I'm still surprised that I decided to do it," explained Minaj on taking on the challenge of American Idol. Mariah Carey also spoke about her reservations, saying: "I was on the fence about the whole thing. I got approached by all the shows. [My husband Nick Cannon] said I should do it because it's the top. It's the cream of the crop. And I felt like, 'Do the show that's produced massive stars who have had major careers.'"

Both Minaj and Carey, obviously, decided to take on the show, and are in line to return in two week when it hits screens again. Carey said: "I know everyone's like, 'We can't have schmaltzy answers'. Well, guess what? Some people still want to be inspired. Some people need to have that kind of validation and to feel like, 'If this person did it, then I can'. And I do have one of those stories."